4) Quality of human resources

1) Ratio of schooling years rate in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation region to mean years of schooling based on grouping of lands or islands.

≥1.00 = 5

0.90 - 0.99 = 4

0.80 - 0.89 = 3

0.70 - 0.79 = 2

<0.70 = 1

2) Ratio of Gross Enrollment Rate (GER) for high school education in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation Region to average GER based on grouping of lands or islands.

≥1.00 = 5

0.90 - 0.99 = 4

0.80 - 0.89 = 3

0.70 - 0.79 = 2

<0.70 = 1

3) Ratio of GER for elementary school education in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation Region to average GER based on grouping of lands or islands.

≥1.00 = 5

0.90 - 0.99 = 4

0.80 - 0.89 = 3

0.70 - 0.79 = 2

<0.70 = 1

5) Distribution of population.

Ratio of population density in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation Region to average population density based on grouping of lands or islands.

≥1.00 = 5

0.90 - 0.99 = 4

0.80 - 0.89 = 3

0.70 - 0.79 = 2

<0.70 = 1

6) General criminal acts

Ratio of general crime rate per 10,000 population in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation region to average general crime rate per 10,000 population based on grouping of lands or islands.

≥1.00 = 1

0.90 - 0.99 = 2

0.80 - 0.89 = 3

0.70 - 0.79 = 4

<0.70 = 5

7) Social conflicts.

Number of social conflicts in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation region.

a) Province

Conflict < 5 times = 5

Conflict 5 - 9 times = 4

Conflict 10 - 14 times = 3

Conflict 15 - 19 times = 2

Conflict ≥ 20 times = 1

b) Regency

Without conflict = 5

Conflict ≤5 times = 4

Conflict 6 - 10 times = 3

Conflict 11 - 15 times = 2

Conflict >15 times = 1

c) City

Conflict ≤2 times = 5

Conflict 3 - 5 times = 4

Conflict 6 - 8 times = 3

Conflict 9 - 11 times = 2

Conflict ≥12 times = 1

8) Public participation in general election

Percentage of population participating in general election to population with voting right in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation region.

>70% = 5

60% - 70% = 4

50% - 59% = 3

40% - 49% = 2

<40% = 1

9) Social cohesiveness

Number of ethnics/sub-ethnics in territorial coverage of proposed Preparation region.

1 ethnics/sub-ethnics = 5

2 - 3 ethnics/sub-ethnics = 4

4 - 5 ethnics/sub-ethnics = 3

6 - 7 ethnics/sub-ethnics = 2

>8 ethnics/sub-ethnics = 1