Since 1998, the Bank’s strategy in the EAC region has been oriented towards support for the development of the five EAC Corridors. Resources allocated to Tanzania under the ADF IX frame (UA 113 Million for 6 projects) were aligned with the need to strengthen road infrastructure with a particular focus on rural accessibility. For 2000-10, the Bank allocated UA 271.9 million to the transport sector in Tanzania, representing 26.8% of the total country allocation. Likewise, the Kenyan Country Strategy Paper 2005-07 recognizes the importance of establishing an enabling environment to attract private investments, for which adequate road network is a precondition. Transport as a priority is confirmed by the sectoral allocation of Bank resources, accounting for almost 40% (UA 385 million) of the total of Kenya’s portfolio between 2000 and 2010 (Appendix 5). |