Meaning units

Condensed meaning units




I did well with thinking ahead and inserting a peripheral line right away, since I saw the symptom of sepsis and knew the patient would need both infusion and intravenous antibiotics.

Even though checking the patients breathing and respiratory is a first priority, I focused on the patients problem with the bladder ..

My ability to see the connection between different parameters and how they affect each other, has got a lot better. After the scenario I feel my ability to look at the whole situation, has improved greatly.

thinking ahead and insert a peripheral line right away, since I saw the symptom of sepsis

patients breathing and respiratory is a first priority, I focused on the patients problem with the bladder

My ability to see the connection between different parameters and how they affect each other, has got a lot better

Strength of clinical reasoning

Weakness of clinical reasoning

Progression of clinical reasoning

Identify areas of strength

Identify areas of weakness

Identify areas of progression

The ability to clinical reasoning became visible