Benefits Summary of the Redux and Snippets Systems

Lower bound

Upper bound

Direct financial benefits

· £32 million in cost savings associated with staff time (Redux only 2009-2016)

· £11 million in cost savings associated with staff time (Snippets 2011-2016)

· £165,000 in cost savings associated with reduced shipping of physical media

· £32 million in cost savings associated with staff time

· (Redux only 2009-2016)

· £11 million in cost savings associated with staff time (Snippets 2011-2016)

· £660,000 in cost savings associated with reduced shipping of physical media

Benefits to users from new services or improved quality

£10 - 15 million to date in terms of benefits to Redux/Snippets users.

Total benefits estimate

£53.2 million

£58.7 million

Estimate of costs attributable to BBC R&D to date

£1.39 million

(around £432,400 of human expenditure and £960,000 of R&D expenditure)