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Application In Teaching

Sherman, P.S.

Sebora, T.

Digman, L.A.

Experiential Entrepreneurship in the Classroom: Effects of Teaching Methods on Entrepreneurial Career Choice Intention. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Volume 11, 2008

To examines the differences in various pedagogical approaches to Entrepreneurship on career choice intentions.

Experiential Approach to entrepreneurship is positively related to interest in new venture start up,

Alleviate the fear; give students real hands-on experiences which lessen student desire to become entrepreneurs.

Instructors should be encouraged to use experiential methods, especially in developing entrepreneurial skills but not totally avoiding traditional methods in teaching

Mason, C. Arshed N.

Teaching entrepreneurship to university students through experiential learning Industry & higher education. Vol 27, no 6, December 2013, pp 449-463

To examine The effectiveness of assignment as experiential approach in entrepreneurship education

Assignment such as product making activities, selling is an effective learning experience for the students, as they exposing the students to the real world of the entrepreneur

Assignment should be provided considering the skills to be developed learning time and number Of students

Dobson, J. A., Jacobs, E. & Dobson, L.

Toward an Experiential Approach to Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 17(3) 2017

Investigated the effectiveness of an experiential approach to Entrepreneurship education using both within-group and between-group research designs.

Experiential and not theory-laden courses are necessary in developing entrepreneurial behaviour help student to gain experience and realize that can pursue entrepreneurship as career

Practice help student

to gain experience and learn through mistake, however there should be a balance of theory and practice for better outcome

Lekoko, M.; Rankhumise, E.; Ras, P

The effectiveness of entrepreneurship education: What matters most? African Journal of Business Management Vol. 6(51), pp. 1202

Explore and investigate entrepreneurship education at Botswana’s two universities to determine and evaluate its effectiveness

Entrepreneurship education which incorporates experiential learning has great impact in-equipping students with the relevant entrepreneurial skills and competencies that will help them to choose entrepreneurship as a career option. Real entrepreneurial practices help student to experiencing what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.

Effectiveness of Education “for” Entrepreneurship is when students are getting a real sense of entrepreneurship, Methods of teaching has great impact.

Mueller, S.

Increasing entrepreneurial intention: effective entrepreneurship course characteristics. International. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2011.

The study focuses on the question of how specific characteristics of entrepreneurship courses influence the intention to become an entrepreneur.

Perceived behavioural control can be changed through various course characteristics such as practical experience, business planning

To develop entrepreneurial behaviour educators should link students with entrepreneurial networks, such as alumni in business and experienced entrepreneurs who serve as mentors.

Maritz A. Brown, C. Chich Jen, S. C.

A Blended Learning Approach To Entrepreneurship Education. Actual Problems Of Economics 12, Vol. 2, 2010.

To explore a blended learning approach to entrepreneurship education by discussing the integration of this pedagogical initiative aimed at infusing entrepreneurial skills and behaviour among students in a higher education setting

Experiential learning may be more conducive to teaching entrepreneurship. In order to increase experiential learning, the teams’ performance-which is a more realistic view of the entrepreneurial activity they should be engaged as opposed to the teaching of general principles.

Team should mirror the entrepreneurial activities and develop relevance entrepreneurial skills

Mentors should assist student so that they can learn well in teams.