Wave | Dominant Policy | Salient Features | Examples |
First | Command and control system | ü Establishment of Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) | EPB established in 1974 and in 1982 incorporated into ministry of urban and rural construction |
Second | Adoption of policy Instruments to pursue environmental governance | ü 1990: National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA) was formed ü 2003: NEPA upgraded to State Environment Protection Agency | ü In 2002 allowed ENGOs to participate in world summit on sustainable development in Johannes burgh |
Third | Scientific approach to development and environmental protection (2005) | ü “Agenda-setting” for environmental governance by reaching out to other stakeholders ü Legal requirements to disclose information to government ü ‘Three transformations’: a) Equal preference to environmental protection and economic development b) From an economy centre development to a development model which gives preference to environmental protection and economic development c) From purely administrative measures to comprehensive system involving state, business and civil society | ü Ministry of Environment Protection’s 12369 hotline allowing public supervision of enforcement of environmental regulations ü Publication of official data on environmental matters which till recently was treated as official secret ü 179 cities have transparent data on matters related to environmental regulations |