


AQ (ask a question)

Refers to asking questions to start a certain topic. Question types are divided into two categories based on the questioning.

A. OPEN (open-ended question)

B. Y/N (yes/no question)

A: Mother: “What is this?” B: Mother: “Is this it?”

FB (feedback)

A response to a discourse or a question.

Mother: “Look here.”

Child: “Hmm.”

PI (provide information)

Provide information content.

Mother: “They’re brushing

their teeth.”

PE (propose evaluation)

Expresses opinions about the characters or events in the story.

Mother: “It’s not right for him to do that.”

AA (attract attention)

Refers to words used to attract the other person’s attention.

Mother: “Look here.”

RC (repeat or clarify)

Repeating the former words and content, or correcting or clarifying the former words.

Mother: “What is this?” Child: “Book”

Mother: “Oh, the book.”

TI (task instruction)

On assigning tasks and demanding words of command.

Mother: “You read it.”

NR (no response)

Indicates that the speaker is silent or refuses to answer the question.

Mother: “What is he doing?”

Child: “I don’t know.”