
Not much of the time

Some of the time

Quite a lot of the time

All of the time

1. I am happy (SE).

2. I prefer to work alone that with other children (B).

3. When I am angry or upset at someone, I try to imagine what he or she is thinking or feeling (E).

4. I often wish I was someone else (SE).

5. I have lots of friends (B).

6. I can tell by looking at a person whether they are happy (E).

7. I think there are a lot of things about myself I would change if I could (SE).

8. I get upset when I see a child being hurt (E).

9. I feel like I am a part of my school (B).

10. I believe I am a failure (SE).

11. It makes me sad to see a child who can’t find anyone to play with (E).

12. There are lots of people I like to spend time with (B).

13. I am happy with who I am (SE).

14. I don’t feel included in my friendship group (B).