Repair Description | Cost $/mile |
Crack seal | 10,000 |
Patching | 1000 |
Sans seal | 16,000 |
Chip seal | 25,000 |
Thick overlay >1” | 72,000 |
Thin overlay 3/4” - 1” | 40,000 |
Shim with 1” overlay | 65,000 |
2” Cold mix overlay with 1” top HMA | 117,000 |
Mill and fill 1.25” | 125,000 |
Reclaim incl 6” - 8” base 2” binder 1.5” surface | 200,000 |
Reclaim incl 6” - 8” base 2”, stabilized, binder 1.5” surface | 245,000 |
Shim with 2” overlay | 130,000 |
Reclaim pavement revert to gravel | 20,000 |
PM RAP reclamation | 245,000 |
18” New 9.5 mm gravel, 2” binder, 1” surface | 225,000 |
24” New gravel, 2” binder, 2” surface | 300,000 |