


Tested Hypotheses (1 - 10).

1) H1: The use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction.

(τb = .169, p = .012).

(H1: Accepted).

2) H1: The interaction between being Male and the none use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is significant at [(p = .046); (CI: 95%)].

(H1: Accepted)

3) H1: The interaction between having secondary education or below and the none use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is significant at [(p = .039); (CI: 95%)].

(H1: Accepted)

4) H1: The interaction between being unemployed and the none use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is not significant

(H0: Accepted).

5) H1: The interaction between negative behavioral beliefs and the none use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is significant at [(p = .019); (CI: 95%)].

(H1: Accepted)

6) H1: The interaction between negative normative beliefs and the use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is not significant

(H0: Accepted).

7) H1: The interaction between negative attitude and the use of online banking influence customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is significant at [(p = .018); (CI: 95%)].

(H1: Accepted)

8) H1: The interaction between negative customers perception (negative subjective norms) and the use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction positively.

This relationship is not significant

(H0: Accepted).

9) H1: The interaction between negative behavioral intention and the use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is significant at [(p = .036); (CI: 95%)].

(H1: Accepted)

10) H1: The interaction between being aged 36+ years and the none use of online banking influences customer service satisfaction negatively.

This relationship is not significant

(H0: Accepted).