First, basic information




Entry Time

Year Month

Second, training status survey (please tick “√” in your accepted answer “□”)


Do you think the current company’s emphasis on training?

□ Great emphasis □ More attention

□ General □ To be strengthened


Section if your are training program as planned training work?

□ Planned and planned

□ Planned but not planned

□ No plan but training

□ No plan, no training


You have participated in several training courses this year (including company-level and department-level training)

□ 1 - 2 times □ 3 - 4 times

□ 5 - 6 times □ 7 - 8 times □ 9 - 10 times


Regarding the level of teaching teachers at all levels of training this year, you think:

□ very high □ relatively high

□ General □ Low □ Low


For the frequency of training at all levels this year, you think:

□ very high □ relatively high

□ General □ Low □ Low


For the timing of training at all levels this year, you think:

□ very reasonable □ more reasonable

□ General □ Not reasonable

□ Unreasonable


How do you personally feel through the company’s training at all levels?

□ very large □ relatively large

□ General □ Not great □ No gain


How do you feel about the overall company training?

□ very satisfied □ relatively satisfied

□ General □ Not very satisfied

□ Not satisfied


What factors do you think are currently affecting the effectiveness of training? (Can be multiple choices, limited to three items)

□ The timing is not suitable

□ Course content does not help the job much

□ The trainer’s teaching level is limited

□ Staff training awareness has not kept up

□ Form too monotonous

□ The leadership does not pay enough attention □ Others