| Variable | Definition |
Dependent variable | Inno | Annual R & D expenditure/annual total asset |
Independent variable | Commercial | Ln (sales price of commercial housing) |
Residence | Ln (sales price of residential) | |
Office | Ln (sales price of office buildings) | |
Operating | Ln (sales price of operating buildings) | |
Others | Ln (sales price of other buildings) | |
Control variable | Size | Ln (total assets) |
Lev | Debt-to-assets ratio | |
Subsidy | Ln (government subsidy) | |
Growth | Operating income growth rate | |
ROA | Return on total assets | |
Age | Ln (age of establishment) | |
State | If it’s state-owned enterprise, equals to 1 | |
Year | Year dummy variable | |
Ind | Industry dummy variable |