Active learning

Capital (source)


Capital stock



CDR index





Economic development

Economic growth




Gross domestic product

Growth in Wealth

Human capital

Human labor



Limited liability

Natural resources rents

Normal distribution

Property rights

Rule of Law



Engages students in the process of learning through activities and/or discussion in class, as opposed to passively listening to an expert. It emphasizes higher order thinking and often involves group activity.

See human capital.

One who deploys one’s personal capital so as to maximize one’s benefit.

Fixed installed capital less depreciation and obsolescence plus skills and knowledge acquired from entrepreneurs and taught to others.

Mechanism for the collection and assembly of capital.

The creation of alternative pathways to enable a process.

The vector inner product (dot product) of the global constant [1.53 0.14 0.23 - 1.21] and the country [C D R CDR].

The plan and execution thereof by participants for their intentional mutual benefit of shared goals, objectives, and rewards.

The instrument of capitalism for the profitable investment of capital.

A plan and execution thereof by participants, each with their own personal self-interest and economic gain in mind yet yielding unintended mutual benefits.

Private work force idea participation and periodic election of public representatives (catalyst for the process of gene rating G from capital).

The improvement in infrastructure and social wellbeing.

The improvement in per capita real gross domestic product adjusted for purchasing power parity.

Generated from within a system.

The process of starting a business, typically a startup company offering an innovative product, process or service.

Generated from outside a system.

The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period (economic growth = change in GDP).

Gross domestic product less consumption, depreciation and obsolescence.

Capital human ideas of imagination and creativity and skill (not including physical corporeal labor).

Physical corporeal labor (not including capital human ideas of imagination and creativity or skill).

The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

The continuous exposition by an instructor while student activity is limited to taking notes and/or asking occasional and unprompted questions of the instructor.

Limitation of loss to capital invested.

Surplus value of natural resources after all costs and normal returns are accounted for.

A distribution containing a most frequently occurring typical score at its peak (center) and atypical scores with lower and lower frequency as they occur further and further away from the mean.

Property is a legal expression of an economically meaningful consensus by people about assets, how they should be held, used and exchanged.

Reverse of corruption (protection of shareholder and other property rights) (catalyst for the attraction of capital).

An owner of shares in a company.

Self-governing human property that promotes fairness and justice without the need for central government.