


I study employees’ job satisfaction on an individual bases and use of questionnaires. On individual basis, I studied each employee on through their attendance to work. For instance, if they are happy, I believe they should be coming to work regularly to come and do their job. Likewise, when they are not coming on a regular basis, it means maybe something is wrong; either they are not satisfied with the job, or they are going through some emotional problem. On the other hand, sometimes, I gave out questionnaires to my staff to fill-out and to evaluate them. Through their response, I will know which areas to improve and assist them.


Sometimes, the way my employees come to work; for example, showing up early to work and immediately starting to book up some appointments with clients to show that they are happy and satisfied in their job assignment. Also, I train my staff to improve performance. With the flexibility and independence of my staff, they feel satisfied to work in my company.


Well, one example of employee job satisfaction is job security, good pay, and a good environment. A place you are doing your business matters a lot. For example, this office we are sitting in now, we just moved in here not long ago, it is a very conducive environment for the staff and our clients. Since we moved in here, employees are happy and satisfied, and we are making progress in our business. Also, we compensated our staff with salary increases, bonuses, and team trips, which makes them happy working in our company as well as retaining them.


We do six months evaluations on our staff. Though, we do not do a survey or questionnaire, something we should be doing. However, we do ask our staff for some directives or opinions about our progress, and we expect feedback from them. We see internal feedback as a vital tool that helps us build a good relationship between the employers and employees. A lot of employees feel a sense of belonging and satisfaction when they have a good relationship with the employers. Also, we train our staff and increase their salary to motivate them. Through motivation, it helps to increase employees work performance.