
Description of the Service Plan Costs

The Organization

The organization will pay the fees of creating a new infrastructure to support the newer facilities.

Acquire the new equipment and medication for the center to perform at its optimal level.

Additional fees that accrue which can include hiring staff for creating the programs.


At this level the company will need to include the necessary spending for marketing on bringing in new patients.

The cost of buying office supplies in order to have proper functioning.

The facility will require electricity to function properly during operating hours.

The Client/Patient

The facility will require funds to treat the patients.

The patients will require pamphlets with information on treatment and recovery and this will be rising costs.

Additional costs that can accrue are the cost of medication and other supplies needed for treatment.

The Staff

A large portion will be spent on staff training and development.

The newer facilities need more staff and require a budget for retaining staff.

Staff uniforms and required equipment can require a specific amount of the budget.


The new wellness centers will require a large amount of technological equipment that is needed.

Other costs come with upgrading current software and technology.

Employing IT specialists to manage the equipment.