Exposure Opportunity

Food Experience


Away from Siwa

(At Home Country)

Advertising of Siwa food at the main tourists’ exporting countries to ensure the pre-travel exposure for the majority of potential tourists.

- A number of taste festivals were held for the local Siwa food product in Egyptian embassies and consulates for foreigners outside Egypt can be a good solution.

Away from Siwa

(During the Trip to Siwa Destination)

Exploiting the opportunity of tourist presence in the means of transportation to display the most prominent local Siwa food product.

- Produce a series of short promotional films about the local Siwi food products and display it in the means of transportation that bring tourists to the destination.

- Providing free samples of the most famous food products for tourists coming to Siwa destination in the means of transportation. These food samples should be prepared carefully and under strict health supervision to be produced and distributed under the supervision of the governorate.

At Siwa Destination

(During the Trip in Siwa Destination)

Pursuing the tourist during his stay in the Siwa tourist destination to display the local food product.

- Providing free food tasting samples in different areas in Siwa destination that is frequently visited by tourists.

- Provide free samples of the local Siwa food products with any other food product requested by the tourist while his presence in the destination.

- Organizing tasting festivals for tourist groups coming to Siwa.

Away from Siwa

(During the Trip from Siwa to Home Country)

Exploiting the opportunity of tourist presence in the means of transportation to display the most prominent local Siwa food product again.

- Providing free samples of the local Siwa foods and offer promotional films on the most famous Siwa’s food products.

- Conducting a number of surveys to collect the tourists’ opinions toward the local siwa food products and toward the publicity style of such products.

Away from Siwa

(At Home Country Again)

Creating a database related to tourists who have previously visited Siwa to use it later in promoting the local foods to them in their homes.

- Sending of free samples of the local Siwa food products to those tourists in their homes at their special occasions such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc.