Male (n = 59)

Female (n = 90)

Value of p

Width (W)

1.23 ± 0.36

1.25 ± 0.61

p = 0.817

Length (L)

8.25 ± 2.51

7.83 ± 2.04

p = 0.259

Distance to alveolar crest (D1)

14.04 ± 7.12

8.88 ± 7.81

p < 0.001*

Distance to buccal cortical bone (D2)

3.31 ± 1.68

2.72 ± 1.55

p = 0.028*

Distance to the base of the mandible (D3)

4.02 ± 2.36

3.33 ± 2.13

p = 0.065