Risk group

Classified properties as a result of

the cumulative information of the 2015 and 2016 guidelines

High risk thyroid


・ Taller than wide

・ Irregular or microlobulated contours

・ Microcalcifications

・ Marked hypoechogenicity

・ Disruption of the peripheral halo more than the 50% of the circumference or a thick irregular halo

・ Discontinuous rim calcification or a hypoechogenicity exceeding the calcified rim.

・ Central vascularization in a solid iso-hypoechoic nodule with a preserved halo

・ Extrathyroidal extension.

・ Associated cervical lymphadenopathy

Intermediate risk thyroid nodule

・ None of the highly suspicious features

・ Iso-hyperechoic nodule with a peripheral vascularization and preserved halo.

・ Peripheral well preserved egg-shell type rim calcification

・ Mild hypoechogenic nodule having a regular contour and no increase in central vascularity

・ Intranodular macrocalcification, indetermined hyperechogenic spots, complete egg-shell calcification

・ Increased stiffness

Low risk



・ Simple cyst

・ Spongiform nodule

・ White knight nodule

・ Isolated macrocalcification

・ Typical nodule of subacute thyroiditis