Details of treatment received in our cases

No. (%)


・ Fertility preserving

・ Panhysterectomy

・ Omentectomy

・ Appendectomy

・ Ileal segment resection

・ Pelvic LN biopsy

・ Paraaortic LN biopsy

15 (83%)

2 (11%)

11 (61%)

2 (11%)

2 (11%)

1 (6%)

1 (6%)

Residual disease

・ No gross residual

・ <1 cm

・ >1 cm

12 (67%)

1 (6%)

5 (27%)

Adjuvant BEP regimen (No. of cycles)

4 - 6

1 - 2

16 (89%)

2 (11%)