No. | Variable term | Description of variable |
1 | Ycam | Year moved to the twin-city |
2 | Hfam | Head of the family |
3 | Afam | Age |
4 | Rfam | Religion |
5 | Pbf | Place of birth (town/city) |
6 | PbfG | Place of birth (governorate) |
7 | PPOR | Previous place of residence of the family head |
8 | PPORG | Previous place of residence (governorate) |
9 | FSS | Social status of the family head |
10 | JSW | Job status of the family head (working) |
11 | Wphf | Working place of head of the family |
12 | Dawe | Does anybody else work in the family |
13 | TMI | Total monthly income (in Jordanian Dinars) |
14 | HS | Housing style (Single-family house/apartment) |
15 | WMCR | When moved to current residence |
16 | HA | Area of the resident place (m2) |
17 | NR | Number of rooms |
18 | H/AO | House/apartment ownership |
19 | PRIC | Price of house/apartment |
20 | HWC | How the house was chosen when buying or renting |
21 | Rchc | Reason for choosing the resident location |
22 | Gard | Availability of community gardens |
23 | GREN | Availability of green spaces/parks |
24 | Club | Availability of sports facilities |
25 | Plibr | Availability of public library |
26 | Cofsh | Availability of coffee shops |
27 | Malls | Availability of malls |
28 | Wedding | Availability of wedding halls |
29 | Chilp | Availability of places for children’s daily activities. |
30 | TREL | Type of relationship with the residents of the apartment/house |
31 | Rell | Relationship is limited to the people of the building where they live |
32 | Pwed | Availability of places for wedding activities |
33 | PRAM | Availability of places for Ramadan gathering |
34 | PHCO | Availability of places/houses of consolation |
35 | PFAM | Availability of places for family meeting |
36 | PEid | Availability of places for Eid meeting |
37 | DMov | Do you plan to move to another city |
38 | Mov | Movement to another place in the city |
39 | AMov | Aim of moving to a place |
40 | Occup | Occupation of the head of the family |
41 | Edus | Education of the head of the family |