Demographic | Urban Shijiazhuang | Rural Shexian |
Population (2012) | 2,374,82714 | 408,99515-18 |
% of Urban population (2012) | 100%14 | 48%15-18 |
Altitude (m above sea level) | 30 - 100 m above sea level | 1000 m above sea level |
Latitude N | 37˚27' ~ 38˚47' | 36˚17' ~ 36˚55' |
GDP per capita 2012 (US$) | 6964.814 | 270015-18 |
Annual net income per person 2012 (US$) | 300014 | 120015-18 |
Annual disposable income per person 2012 | 1538 US$14 | 750 US$15-18 |
% of annual disposable income spent on diet 2012 | 40%14 | 20%15-18 |
% of animal food in diet (as opposed to plant food) 2012 | More than 30%14 | Less than 10%15-18 |
% of people regularly exercise 2010 | 60%14 | 10%15-18 |
% of people working physically 2010 | 20%14 | 70%15-18 |
% daily smoker men 2010 | 35%14 | 40%15-18 |
% habitual alcohol drinker men 2010 | 38%14 | 25%15-18 |
Fertility rate 2012 | 1.114 | 1.815-18 |
Menarche age 2012 (years) | 12.014 | 13.015-18 |
Age at first birth 2012 (years) | 2714 | 2315-18 |
Menopause age 2012 (years) | 55.814 | 55.515-18 |
Breastfeeding (% of childbirth women)2012 | 60%14 | 95%15-18 |
Household Automobile 2015 | 40%14 | 12%15-18 |
Household Mobile phone 2015 | 100%14 | 90%15-18 |
Household Refrigerator 2015 | 100%14 | 60%15-18 |
% overweight (BMI ≥ 24 kg/m2) 18 - 69 years male 2004 | 43.719,20 | 30.219 |
% overweight (BMI ≥ 24 kg/m2) 18 - 69 years female 2004 | 36.719,20 | 35.419 |
% obese (BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2) 18 - 69 years male 2004 | 19.919,20 | 14.519 |
% obese (BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2) 18 - 69 years female 2004 | 23.219,20 | 17.119 |
% people aged under 25 years old | 31.4614 | 36.2915-18 |
% people aged 65 years old or over | 11.1514 | 6.9815-18 |
Life expectancy in 2012 (years) | 7514 | 7115-18 |