Date of case-file movement from one work station to another | Symbol | Formula | Definition of time interval |
Date in | A | - | - |
Sample receiving date | E | - | - |
Date SRF submitted to CGC | F | t1 = F - E = F - A | Sample receiving officer to CGC |
Date released by CGC | I | t2 = I - F | Office of the CGC |
Date submitted to director | J | t3 = J - I | CGC to Director |
Date instructions released by director | L | t4 = L - J | Director’s Office |
Date instructions released by manager | N | t5 = N - L | Instructions |
Date samples received by analyst | P | t6 = P - N | Manager to Analyst |
Date analysis commenced | R | t7 = R - P | Sample receipt by analyst, start of analysis |
Date analysis was completed | S | t8 = S - R | Sample Analysis time |
Date report completed | V | t9 = U - S | End of Sample Analysis, start data interpretation |
Date report submitted for review | W | t10 = V - U | Start of report write up |
Date review comments availed | X | t11 = W - V | Complete report, submit for review |
Date report submitted for approval | Y | t12 = X - W | Time to review |
Date approved by manager | Z | t13 = Y - X | Report Revision time |
Date report submitted for approval to director | AA | t14= Z - Y | Time for approval by Laboratory Manager |
Date report approved by director | AB | t15 = AA - Z | Time for approved report to reach FSL Director |
Date submitted for approval to CGC | AC | t16 = AB - AA | Director’s approval time |
Date approved by CGC | AD | t17 = AC - AB | Time for approved report to reach CGC |
Date report received by SRO | AE | t18 = AD - AC | Final Approval time (CGC’s approval) |
Date report collected by client | AF | t19 = AE - AD | Final approved report to reach SRO |
t20 = AF - AE | Time report received by SRO until collection by client (time approved report stays at SRO) |