Description of the WA KPIs

Social media traffic

Social media platforms that users use after seeing an advertisement or links end up on the company’s website.

Organic traffic visitors

Visitors who land on the company’s website using a search engine.

New visitors

New visitors are those who navigate to the website for the first time on a specific device.

Global rank

The combination of total platform traffic (organic, social, and paid visits) and user engagement metrics (pages/visits, average time on site).

Websites’ Average Time on Site

Average time spent by users on a website per visit.

Times spent

Calculates the total number of pages displayed to each user when they enter a shipping website.

Websites’ Total Visits

Counts how many users visit a website each day.

Repeat users

The total number of returning visitors who visit the website.

Websites’ Bounce Rate

The percentage of website users who visit a page and ultimately leave the website without reading a second page.

Websites’ Paid Traffic

Created through pay-per-click methods, such as paid advertising, a user in a Google search clicks on the shipping website after an advertisement.

Google ranking

Google ranking is an algorithm for measuring the relative relevance, quality, and significance of results on a shipping website.