

A study of customers’ perception of Islamic banking in Oman

Evaluate the customers’ perceptions about Islamic banks and the opportunities of Open Banking in Oman.

A conservative approach for online credit scoring.

Present a new credit scoring system to identify loans with low credit risk.

Innovation in Open Banking: Lessons from the recent wave of payment institutions that have been authorized to provide payment initiation and account information services

Analyze the population of companies that have been authorized to provide payment initiation or account information and payment services.

Data sharing and interoperability: Fostering innovation and competition through APIs

This aims to provide an overview of the main initiatives to enable data access throughout the domestic market, and to highlight the crucial role that APIs will play in this scenario.

An extensive formal security analysis of the OpenID Financial-grade API

Develop a precise model, including different profiles for read and write data access, different flows, different types of clients, and different combinations of security features, capturing the complex interactions in a network-based environment.

Open Banking emergent roles risk and opportunities

What are the functions, challenges, and risks that retail banks will undergo through open API initiatives, and how will they change?

Banking integration in ASEAN-6: An empirical investigation

Present measures of open banking and the degree of integration across capital flows.

Towards secure open banking architecture: An evaluation with OWASP

Propose a practical web application system architecture, identifying relevant attacks, analyzing the risk considering the OWASP Top 10 list.

Studying Open Banking platforms with open source code

Explore open source-based Open Banking platforms, software whose source code is publicly available and can be freely modified and distributed.

Federated learning for Open Banking

Discuss the possible challenges for implementing the considered learning in the context of open banking and corresponding resolutions.

Nudging data privacy management of Open Banking based on blockchain

Propose a privacy framework on blockchain consisting of three components: a privacy classification method based on data characteristics, a novel filter-based collaboration, and a data confirmation disclosure scheme for customer strategies.

Industry 4.0 and its implications for the financial sector

Examining the impact of digitization process in the financial sector.

Dominant ideas of financial technologies in digital banking

The aim of the research is to define dominant ideas of financial technologies in the digital banking market.

Designing model for quality services in digital banking

Review the literature presenting the evolution of the banking system in recent decades, functions and requirements for change towards FinTech technology and propose a digital service quality model.

Blockchain-based framework for managing customer consent in Open Banking

To review the relationship between blockchain and Open Banking.

The impact of Payment Services Directive 2 on the PayTech sector development in Europe

To determine the impact of PSD2 on the number of new PayTech companies established and explain the factors driving the distribution of PSD2-licensed entities in EU countries.

Open Banking and APIs for transformation in banking ( Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Internet of Things)

This article explains why open API is the foundation of open banking, demonstrating that value creation using APIs is a building block of open banking and the challenges faced by banks in implementing the banking sector.

Open Banking and inclusive growth in India

This article explores how open banking system facilitates financial inclusion and consequently leads to economic development of a nation.

An empirical study on the intention to use Open Banking in India

Identify the intended usage of open banking system among customers in an emerging economy such as India.

Open Banking and PSD2: The promise of transforming banking by “empowering customers”

To illustrate how a customer-centric approach could potentially provide better regulatory policy decisions.

Open Banking and electronic health records

Compare Open Banking with electronic health models and medical records to illustrate that healthcare will be enhanced by third-party providers accessing patient data.

Building a FinTech ecosystem: Design and development of a FinTech API gateway

Discuss the design and development of an API Gateway FinTech in terms of business needs and technical challenges.

Blockchain-based data privacy management with Nudge theory in Open Banking.

Propose a new management framework based on blockchain technology for the financial sector.

The security of access to accounts under the PSD2

Identify to what extent access to payment initiation service providers and account information service providers’ accounts balance the development of the payment services market.

PPM: A Provenance-Provided Data Sharing Model for Open Banking via blockchain

Propose a Provenance-Provided Data Sharing Model (PPM) via blockchain to meet open banking requirements.

OBBC: A blockchain-based data sharing scheme for Open Banking

Conceptualize a blockchain-based data sharing scheme for Open Banking called OBBC, where API information can be stored on a blockchain.