World Bank

Energy Access

Existence and monitoring of officiallly approved electrification plan

Scope of officially approved electrification plan

Framework for grid electrification

Framework for minigrids

Framework for stand-alone systems

Consumer affordability of electricity

Utility transparency and monitoring

Utility creditworthiness

Energy Efficiency

National energy efficiency planning

Energy efficienciy entities

Information provided to electricity consumers

Incentives from electricity rate structures

Mandates & incentives: large consumers

Mandates & incentives: public sector

Mandates & incentives: utilities

Financing mechanisms for energy efficiency

Minimum energy performance standards

Energy labeling systems

Builindng energy codes

Carbon princing and monitoring

Renewable Energy

Legal framework for renewable energy

Planning for renewable energy expansion

Incentives & regulatory support for renewable energy

Attributes of financial and regulatory incentives

Network connection and access

Counterparty risk

Carbon princing and monitoring

World Energy Council

Energy Security (30%)

Diversity of primary energy supply

Energy consumption in relation to GDP growth

Import dependence

Diversity of electricity generation

Energy storage

Preparedness (human factor)