Inductively derived Categories (Categories 1)/Author

Deductively derived Categories (Categories 2)

§ Judgment (Neiman, 2015)

§ Ability to think without relying on the empirical (Saracco, 2016)

§ Maturity of insight (Wolf, 2013)

§ Reflective agent (Franklin-Hall, 2013; Gheaus, 2015)

§ Capacity of cognitive control (Luna et al., 2010; Knežević, 2018)

Cognitive Abilities

§ Moral growth (Wildeman Kane, 2015)

§ Reflective and moral agent (Franklin-Hall, 2013; Gheaus, 2015)

Moral abilities

§ Willingness to live spiritually (Guerrero, 2013)

§ Ability to author and govern one’s self (Gheaus, 2015)

§ Coherence of reasons/purposes (Nida-Rümelin, 2001)

§ Ability to control affect (Gheaus, 2015)

§ Ability to decide who one is as a person (Gheaus, 2015)

§ Self-responsibility (Blatterer, 2007; Quill, 2011)

§ Autonomy as a motive for learning and development (Wolf, 2013)

§ Overcoming a hurting family past (Silva, 2012)

Self-management competence

Experience (Gheaus, 2015)


Fluidity, pluralization of adult recognition (Blatterer, 2007)

Recognition: flexibility

§ Sexual maturity (Rosenbloom, 2007)

§ Completed biotic growth: fusion of the epiphysis with the metaphysis of the long bones (Rosenbloom, 2007)

§ Maturation of prefrontal/posterior brain regions (Knežević, 2018)

Completed maturation

Coming of age: endowment of the person with legally established duties and rights (Curtis, 2015)

Legal age