Citation | Quote |
| “Qualitative research emphasizes the exploration of multiple realities gained from different interpretations.” |
| “Indeed, the epistemological position that underlies the present study is one of multiple realities. Hence, a piece of music is not seen as being motivational per se, that is, in an absolute sense; rather, music is perceived as motivational by an individual…” |
| “The emergence perspective therefore follows the idea there is ‘one truth’ in the data, whereas the Straussarian view acknowledges there are multiple realities and multiple ways of interpreting a data set.” |
| “For him, this was evident in their appeals to and advocacy of specific procedures or techniques, such as member checks, to establish trustworthiness in world of multiple realities and ways of knowing. That is, although they accepted a world of multiple, constructed, and mind-dependent realities…” |
| “…the idea that ‘facts’ are dependent on language, which help us to make sense of our lives; 2) people generate meaningful reality based on the particular terminology made available to them; and 3) ‘reality’ is dependent on one’s historical and cultural location and thus allows for multiple realities to exist.” |
| “Interpretation is informed philosophically by ontological perspectives of multiple realities and epistemologically that knowledge is socially constructed by the person who experiences events.” |
| “…one cannot argue that objectivity was maintained, but rather multiple realities were in existence.” |
| “Within this position, the authors acknowledge that scientific enquiry is contextual in nature, and there may be multiple realities in terms of how MK is perceived by pupils”. |
| “In addition, the current study is underpinned by ontological constructivism and epistemological interpretivism in offering our interpretation of perceptions of multiple realities concerning golf ability.” |
| “Furthermore, a second key aspect of interpretivism is ontological pluralism, such that there is the existence of multiple realities and truths that are constructed through relationships and dialogue with others ( |
| “Instead, pragmatism embraces the existence of multiple realities but sustains that this co-constructed knowledge relates to meaningful applied artifacts (Corbin & Strauss, 2008).” |
| “…Informed by ontological relativism (a belief that there are multiple realities) and epistemological constructionism (knowledge is constructed), there is no separation between the knower and the known.” |
| “A constructivist paradigm was adopted by the authors, which acknowledged that people interpret their realities based on their interactions in the social environment; thus, multiple realities can exist.” |
| “…which she considered the participants’ perspectives, doing so by remaining open to multiple realities, by consistently challenging her preconceptions, and by discussing with co-authors challenging viewpoints and interpretations of the data.” |
| “Our research was guided by ontological relativism (i.e., multiple realities exist, which are co-constructed by the researchers and participants) and epistemological social constructionism (i.e., all reality is constructed rather than created; |