

Nietzsche, Kaufmann, & Hollingdale, 1968

There are no facts, only interpretations.

Derrida, 1976: p. 156

The text is all and nothing exists outside of it.

Goodman, 1978: p. 97

We are not speaking in terms of multiple possible alternatives to a single actual world but of multiple actual worlds.

Nietzsche, Kaufmann, & Hollingdale, 1968

There exists neither “spirit”, nor reason, nor thinking, nor consciousness, nor soul, nor will, nor truth.

Bruner, 1986: p. 96

…contrary to common sense, there is no unique “real world” that preexists and is independent of human mental activity…

Latour & Woolgar, 1979: p. 237

Reality is a consequence rather than the cause of this construction (referring to science)… a scientist’s activity is directed not toward “reality” but towards operations on statements.

Mehan & Wood, 1975: p. 328

I do not wish to call one or another reality paramount. It is my contention that every reality is equally real.

Hoffman, 1992: p. 19

…there are no incontrovertible social truths, only stories about the world that we tell ourselves and others.

Clapham, 2002

…language and knowledge are not copies of reality, but constitute reality.

Gergen, 1986: p. 143

There are no independently identifiable, real-world referents to which the language of social description are cemented.

Derrida, 1979: p. 103

There is no such thing as truth itself.

Gergen, 2000: p. 28

Rationality, then, is not a foundation for anything.

von Foerster, 1984: p. 42

The environment as we perceive it is our invention.

von Glaserfeld, 1995: p. 24

Knowledge does not reflect an objective ontological reality.

Pinter, 2012: p. 114

There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.