Screening scales | Peculiarities |
ATA (Autism Spectrum Scale) | 15 items composed of specific sub-items with greater descriptions and can be applied up to 5 years of age. |
M-CHAT (Modified-Checklist Autism in Toddlers) | 23 items of atypical and critical signs; tracks children with ages from 18 to 30 months. |
ASQ (Autism Screening Questionnaire) | 40 items; useful to track autismo from 3 to 6 years old and helps in the diferentiation between ASD and Language Disorders; assesses children who do not yet speak. |
Behavioral Assessment Protocol for children with Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder-Revised | It is evalutated based on the three axes of social skills related to autismo: Shared attention, symbolic play and repetitive behaviors; created and developed in Brazil. |