
Single item question



(Effort) I feel that I do not have the time I need to get my work done (for example: I am under constant time pressure, interrupted in my work, or overwhelmed by responsibility or work demands)

(Reward) I feel that I have been rewarded for my efforts (for example: The respect, role, and job prospects I receive are suitable for my efforts and achievements)

(Control) I feel that I get adequate control over my work (for example: I have a choice in what I do or how I do things, I am able to learn new things, I am able to be creative)

(Support) I feel that I am supported by my colleagues (for example there is a good atmosphere at work, I get along with my colleagues, my colleagues understand me)

(Bullying) I feel that I have been subjected to bullying in the workplace in the past 12 months (for example: unjustified criticism, verbal/non-verbal threats, violence, humiliation or exclusion)

(Change) I feel that I am not consulted about changes at work (for example: There is no opportunity to question managers about change, I am unclear about how change will work out in practice)

(Role) I feel that I don’t understand my role clearly ( For example: I am not clear of what is expected of me and what tasks I need to perform)

(Supervisor relationship) I feel that I get along well with my supervisor ( For example: I know where I stand in terms of their opinion of me, my supervisor understands me, my supervisor recognizes my potential)



(Positive Coping) When I find myself in stressful situations I try to deal with it in a pro-active way (For example: by taking one step at a time, by changing something so that it would work out, by learning from the situation, by asking someone for help)

(Negative Coping) When I find myself in stressful situations I tend to look inwardly (For example: I blame myself for the situation, wish that I had the power to change what has happened, wish the situation would go away, try to forget the whole thing)

(Positive attributions) The following section refers to positive experiences. In considering your responses, please try to imagine yourself experiencing a variety of positive outcomes (for example: a pay rise at work, a successful application, or a positive encounter with a friend)

(Internal item) Do you believe that positive outcomes are more likely the result of external factors (e.g. luck, other’s influence) or internal factors (e.g. effort, determination)

(Stable item) Do you believe that factors that currently influence positive outcomes will also be important in the future?

(Global item) Do you believe that the same factors influence most positive outcomes

(Negative attributions) Now please do the same for this section, but try to imagine yourself experiencing a variety of negative outcomes (for example: a meeting goes badly, a friend lets you down, you fail at a task)


(Optimism) In general, I feel optimistic about the future (For example: I usually expect the best, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad, It’s easy for me to relax)

(Self efficacy) I am confident in my ability to solve problems that I might face in life (For example: I can usually handle whatever comes my way, If I try hard enough I can overcome difficult problems, I can stick to my aims and accomplish my goals)

(Self esteem) Overall, I feel that I have positive self-esteem (For example: On the whole I am satisfied with myself, I am able to do things as well as most other people, I feel that I am a person of worth)

(Extraversion) I consider myself to be outgoing (For example: Talkative, comfortable with myself, confident in social situations)

(Agreeableness) I feel that I have an agreeable nature (For example: I feel sympathy toward people in need, I like being kind to people, I’m co-operative)

(Conscientiousness) I feel that I am a conscientious person (For example: I am always prepared, I make plans and stick to them, I pay attention to details)

(Emotional stability) I feel that I can get on well with others (For example: I’m usually relaxed around others, I tend not to get jealous, I accept people as they are)

(Openness) I feel that I am open to new ideas (For example: I enjoy philosophical discussion, I like to be imaginative, I like to be creative) (Positive affect) Thinking about myself and how I normally feel, in general, I mostly experience positive feelings (For example: I feel alert, inspired, determined, attentive)


(Negative affect) Thinking about myself and how I normally feel, in general, I mostly experience negative feelings (For example: I feel upset, hostile, ashamed, nervous)

(Satisfaction) Overall, I feel that I am satisfied with my life (For example: In most ways my life is close to my ideal, so far I have gotten the important things I want in life)

(Depression) On a scale of one to ten, how depressed would you say you are in general? (e.g. feeling “down”, no longer looking forward to things or enjoying things that you used to)

(Anxiety) On a scale of one to ten, how anxious would you say you are in general? (e.g. feeling tense or “wound up”, unable to relax, feelings of worry or panic)

(Stress) In general, how stressful do you find your job