
EVI range of values

Index description

Extremely high


Totally degraded ecosystem with deteriorated soil and prone to aridity, vegetation is far less than <1% of the land area

Very high

0.00 - 0.24

Extremely unstable ecosystem, with poor resistance to degradation, and very low vegetation cover (<5%) with evidence of deteriorated soil


0.24 - 0.31

Unstable ecosystem, with poor resistance to degradation and low vegetation cover (5% - 10%), a desert-prone area, exposed area under influence of dune dynamics


0.31 - 0.38

Somewhat unstable ecosystem, with relatively low vegetation cover (10% - 20%) and resistance to degradation, evidences of large dune collection depicting desert-prone landscape


0.38 - 0.51

Relatively stable ecosystem, with relatively high vegetation cover (20% - 40%) and possible resistance to degradation, semi-exposed soil, spots of shrubs, and grasses

Very low


Stable ecosystem, with relatively high vegetation cover > 40% and high resistance to degradation.