Are there requirements for drawing up a monitoring plan? If so, what should be

included within this plan.

Monitoring during the operation and deactivation stages are included in the EMP.

Monitoring is foreseen.

The Environmental Management Plan of the activity includes monitoring of the impacts.

Contemplated within the scope of the EMP.

According to Decree no. 51/2004, a

supervision and


programme of the positive and negative impacts must be drawn up, indicating the factors and

parameters to be taken into


Varies for each Member State.

The elements that should be

contemplated are not established.

There is no

specification of the terms that should be


There is no specification of the terms that should be contemplated.

There is no

specification of the terms that should be contemplated.

Are there requirements for revision of the EIA Report? If so, how does this take place?

The Ministry, departments, state companies or local authorities with management and control functions of the environment and natural resources may revise the EIA report in order to guarantee that it complies with the developed reference terms.

The revision process should be based on the following criteria:

The MCEA will designate the



Committee (TEC) and revise the EPDA and the EIA report.

Yes. Revision is carried out by the EIA Authority (DEAT) or by an expert in the

respective area.

According to

prevailing legislation, EIA reviews are

carried out by

technicians from the Ministry of the


National Directorate for Prevention and Assessment of


Impacts. Nonetheless, no EIA review criteria have been established.

Specific legal

provisions for each Member State. n

・ Balance between the short and long-term socioeconomic benefits as contrasted to the damages caused to the physical and human environment;

The TEC will draw up the technical report of the

revision and

respective well-grounded

technical opinion, and will issue a final assessment

statement. This statement will be sent to the EIA

Authority for the final decision.

・ The nature of the project and whether or not it complies with environmental quality standards;

・ possible mitigation measures or other corrective measures;

・ Comments retrieved during the public consultations and other consultation processes;

・ amongst others.

The NEMC may, during the revision process, make a visit in order to inspect or verify any location associated to the project under

analysis. The respective travel expenses will be borne by the proponent.