Traditional Model For Secondary Methods Courses

Lived-in Model For Secondary Methods Courses


On campus

High school classroom


Monday & Wednesday

1:00 - 3:00 pm

Monday - Friday

12:50 - 3:00 pm

50 Field Hours

Completed based upon the students availability

Completed at the high school

Program Characteristics

1) Assigned to one of five random area schools across 17 different teachers (no teacher acclimation).

2) Little supervision (1 - 3 observations per semester) per student.

3) Little on-site course instruction, as most communication was done via email.

4) Candidates were asked to complete a checklist (i.e. observation notes, textbook analysis, etc.), and co-teach a minimum of one lesson plan.

1) All candidates assigned to one school with one 10th grade secondary teacher.

2) By week four, the candidates take full instructional responsibility for blocks 6 & 7.

3) Candidates put in groups of 2 - 3 to plan and implement units. Must be approved by methods class, methods instructor, and cooperating teacher before implementation. Class reviews and provides feedback on group units.

4) On-site instruction by professor and cooperating teacher.

5) Candidates expected to build strong rapport with students, and teach every day.