Education to be completed | Germany | Poland |
Anaesthesia | 48 months in anaesthesiology, of which up to ? 12 months of training can be credited in other fields of direct patient care ? 18 months can be completed in an outpatient environment | 139 weeks/corresponds to 32.5 months |
Intensive Medicine | 12 months in intensive medicine, of which ? 6 months of intensive medicine can be credited in another field | 69 weeks/17.25 months |
Intensive medicine-children | N/A | 2 weeks |
Anaesthesiology-children | N/A | 12 weeks/3 months |
Cardio-anaesthesia | N/A | 4 weeks/1 month |
Thoracic anaesthesia | N/A | 2 weeks |
Neuroanaesthesia | N/A | 2 weeks |
Anaesthesia and obstetrics | N/A | 6 weeks |
Pain diagnostics | N/A | 2 weeks |
Specialisation courses | N/A | 7 weeks |
Total time | 60 months/5 years | 313 weeks/6 years |