Observational Learning Absent | Children require direct instruction to acquire new operants and cannot benefit from observing others receive consequences. Child may not survive in large student-teacher ratio classroom setting. It is likely that the presence of this cusp is essential for learning success in general education classes [31] . |
Reinforcement Shift | From direct instructional reinforcement to vicarious stimulus control for consequences received by others. |
Observational Learning Present | There are four different types of observational learning [91] : Observational learning for performance: one changes behavior from the delivery of vicarious reinforcement to others; Observational learning for acquisition of new operants: one learns through indirect contact with the contingencies of reinforcement and correction feedback; Observational learning for conditioned reinforcement: one expands one’s community of reinforcement without direct pairings or instructor conditioning procedures Peer attention: one demonstrates active observations of peers and changes one’s behavior based on the observations. |