Verbal behavior cusp

A cusp allows a child to learn things that could not be learned before, learn faster, or learn in new ways

Verbal Milestones: Pre-Verbal Foundational Cusps

Metamorphosis status: Egg-Caterpillar



Protocol Procedure & Research

Orient to Others’


A verbal behavior cusp that enables one to attend to adults’ voices

Voice Conditioning Protocol [41] [42]

New Learning Possibilities:

Orients towards speaker-name called and direction given

Orients towards speaker-name called and approval given

Orients towards speaker entering the room

Orient to Others’ Faces/Presence of Others

A verbal behavior cusp that enables one to attend to adults’ faces

Face Conditioning Protocol [37]

New Learning Possibilities:

Looks at speaker’s face when greeted with name

Looks at speaker’s face when given an approval

Looks at adult’s face when adult comes to eye level within 2 feet

Looks at peer’s face when peer comes to eye level within 2 feet

Use coordinated eye contact with words and/or other strategies to communicate

Looks at parent or caregiver when they leave the room

Approaches adult and physically guide his/her body part to assist

Generalized Identity Matching

A verbal behavior cusp that enables one to match novel stimuli (generalized match to sample)

2D Conditioning Protocol using stimulus-stimulus pairing [39] [40]

3D Conditioning Protocol [38] [43]

New Learning Possibilities:

Visual discrimination learning becomes possible.

“Capacity for Sameness” Across Senses

A verbal behavior cusp that enables one to match sameness across gustatory, auditory, visual, olfactory, and tactile senses

Sensory Matching Protocol using multiple exemplar instruction [44]

New Learning Possibilities:

Cross-modal relations become possible