I. Attachment

-Uncertainty about the reliability and predictability of the world

-Problems with boundaries

-Distrust and suspiciousness

-Social isolation

-Interpersonal difficulties

-Difficulty attuning to other people’s emotional states

-Difficulty with perspective taking

-Difficulty enlisting other people as allies

II. Biology

-Sensorimotor developmental problems

-Hypersensitivity to physical contact


-Problems with coordination, balance, body tone

-Difficulties localizing skin contact


-Increased medical problems across a wide span, e.g., pelvic pain, asthma, skin problems, autoimmune disorders, pseudo-seizures

III. Affect Regulation

-Difficulty with emotional self-regulation

-Difficulty describing feelings and internal experience

-Problems knowing and describing internal states

-Difficulty communicating wishes and desires

IV. Dissociation

-Distinct alterations in states of consciousness


-Depersonalization and derealization

-Two or more distinct states of consciousness, with impaired memory for state-based events

V. Behavioral Control

-Poor modulation of impulses

-Self-destructive behavior

-Aggression against others

-Pathological self-soothing behaviors

-Sleep disturbances

-Eating disorders

-Substance abuse

-Excessive compliance

-Oppositional behavior

-Difficulty understanding and complying with rules

-Communication of traumatic past by re-enactment in day-to-day behavior or play