Variables | Explanation |
V1 | Bus (1 if the mode is bus and 0 for others) |
V2 | Car (1 if the mode is Car and 0 for others) |
V3 | Motorcycle (1 if the mode is Motorcycle and 0 for others |
V4 | Para-transit (1 if the mode is Para-transit and 0 for others |
V5 | Quality (satisfactory) (1 if the Quality is satisfactory and 0 for others) |
V6 | Quality (Poor) (1 if the Quality is Poor and 0 for others) |
V7 | Quality (Very poor) (1 if the Quality is Very poor and 0 for others) |
V8 | Fitness of bus (1 if the fitness of bus is poor and 0 for others) |
V9 | Body condition (1 if the poor body of buses and 0 for others) |
V10 | Standard (1 if the poor standard of buses and 0 for others) |
V11 | Comfort (1 if the less comfort offered by the buses and 0 for others) |
V12 | Noise pollution (1 if the noise pollution and 0 for others) |
V13 | Reliability (Reliable) (1 if the bus service is reliable and 0 for others) |
V14 | Reliability (No comment) (1 if no comment for the reliability of bus service and 0 for others) |
V15 | Reliability (Not so reliable ) (1 if bus service is not so reliable and 0 for others) |
V16 | Reliability (Not reliable) (1 if the bus service is not reliable and 0 for others) |
V17 | Sudden breakdown (1 if the sudden breakdown of vehicle en-route where other alternative modes are out of reach and 0 for others) |
V18 | Lack of co-ordination (1 if the lack of co-ordination, control and management among different bodies for quality control and 0 for others) |
V19 | Waiting time (1 if the higher waiting time both in bus stops and 0 for others) |
V20 | Several companies (1 if the several companies operating in same routes and 0 for others) |
V21 | Integration with supporting modes (1 if the poor integration with supporting modes and 0 for others) |
V22 | Customer service (1 if the poor customer and 0 for others) |
V23 | Travel time (1 if unpredicted travel time and irregular service and 0 for others) |
V24 | Safety (Good) (1 if the safety of the bus service is good and 0 for others) |
V25 | Safety(satisfactory) (1 if the bus service is satisfactory and 0 for others) |
V26 | Safety (Poor) (1 if the bus service is poor and 0 for others) |
V27 | Safety (Very poor) (1 if the bus service very poor and 0 for others) |
V28 | Driving (1 if the unsafe driving practice by drivers and 0 for others) |
V29 | Boarding (1 if the poor boarding and alighting facilities and 0 for others) |
V30 | Lack of law enforcing agencies surveillance (1 if the lack of law enforcing agencies and 0 for others) |
V31 | Pick pocketing (1 if the pick pocketing/Hijacking and 0 for others) |
V32 | Lighting (1 if the poor lighting facilities provided by buses and 0 for others) |
V33 | Feeling insecure (1 if feeling insecure during off peak period in buses and 0 for others) |
V34 | No security (1 if there are no security of goods in buses and 0 for others) |
V35 | Service (Good) (1 if the service provide by the buses are good and 0 for others) |
V36 | Service (satisfactory) (1 if the service is satisfactory and 0 for others) |
V37 | Service (Poor) (1 if the service is poor and 0 for others) |
V38 | Service (Very Poor) (1 if the service is very poor and 0 for others) |
V39 | Regularity of service(1 if the irregular service provided by buses and 0 for others) |
V40 | Ticket collection system (1 if the poor ticket collection system in the buses and 0 for others) |
V41 | Overcrowding (1 if the overcrowding situation and 0 for others) |
V42 | Lack of boarding (1 if the lack of boarding facilities for disabled person/women/children in the buses and 0 for others) |
V43 | Lack of bus (1 if the lack of good standard buses and 0 for others) |
V44 | Availability of information(1 if the lack of information at the bus stoppages and 0 for others) |
V45 | Cleanliness (1 if the lack of cleanliness in the buses and 0 for others) |
V46 | Satisfactory (1 denotes the overall bus service is satisfactory and 0 denotes the overall bus service is not satisfactory) |