Modulation Type



FSK (Incoherent)

Carrier frequency is

toggled between 2 values

Heritage modulation, simple, Doppler insensitive, Modulation Index is 0.3

FSK (coherent)

Carrier frequency is changed with continuous phase shift

Requires less S/N for the same BER

GMSK (Gaussian

Minimum Shift Keying)

Binary data is first Gaussian rounded before Applying to FSK

Similar to FSK except the

Spectrum is more contained

PSK (Phase Shift Keying)

Carrier phase is changed ±90˚

Improved BER performance

BPSK (Bi-Phase Shift Keying)

Carrier is modulated by

a signal that is +1 or −1

Efficient but Doppler sensitive

QPSK (Quadrature

Phase Shift Keying)

Carrier phase is changed

to one of four phases

Improved spectral efficiency. Two bits per step. Phase changes occur for every two bits of information


(Offset QPSK)

One of the two phase changes are delayed by one bit

Improved spectral efficiency. Phase changes occur every bit