Year | Events |
(a) Military and trauma Surgery | |
1913 | Dr. Daniel H. Williams successful repaired a stab wound to the pericardium and the spleen (splenorraphy). |
1937 | Blood Bank was 1st opened at the Cook County Hospital in Chicago. |
1941 | During WWII, Dr. Charles Drew was in charge of the Plasma for Britain effort. He advanced techniques to collect, process, and mass produce blood plasma. |
1942 | Dr. Isidor S. Ravdin first treated seven severely burned patients with albumin after the Pearl Harbor attack. |
1974 | United States implemented nation-wide Emergency Medical System. |
1980 | ACS initiated the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course after famous baseball pitcher Tommy John had a plane crush. |
(b) Surgery in General | |
1924 | Drs. Warren H. Cole and Ewarts A. Graham 1st used oral contrast media to diagnose gall ladder disease with x-ray. |
1939 | Dr. Edward D. Churchill performed the first segmented lung resection to extricate tuberculosis, thus conserving the healthy tissue and pulmonary function. |
1966 | Dr. Edward E. Mason of University of Iowa 1st utilized the undesirable side effect of weight loss of gastric resection to treat obesity. |
1966 | Dr. Stanley J. Dudrick reported on his successful use of only intravenous feeding to keep an infant alive, growing, and developing for over a year. |
1981 | Dr. Michael R. Harrison of San Francisco performed the 1st open fetal operation to correct a dangerously blocked urinary tract in a fetus. |