S. No. | Name of the Location | Universal Code | Lat-Long |
1 | Crows Nest Hotel, Daru Airport, Daru Island, Papua New Guinea | 89BvZZ4P | −9.088027 143.204217 |
2 | Honolulu Beerworks restaurant, Cooke Street, KAKA’AKO area, Honolulu Island, North Pacific Ocean | BCvF2NG’Y’ | 21.297145 −157.860455 |
3 | Mt, Paget, South Georgia Island, South Atlantic Ocean | 3Z’e’DEB’N’d | −54.439863 −36.555182 |
4 | Eglise Nore-Dame des Vents, Port-aux-Francais, Morbhihan Bay, Indian Ocean | 46R’fS2F0 | −49.352159 70.214988 |
5 | Hotel Tulpan, Pyramiden, SVALBARD Island, Greenland Sea, North Atlantic Ocean | GhZ’NKh’Vc’ | 78.655218 16.328590 |