1. | Strata bound, cofolded with well defined contact. | 1. | Strata bound, cofolded with Diffused contacts. |
2. | Hard and lumpy in general | 2. | Mostly powdery with occasional lumpy ore. |
3. | Generally of low grade, 18 - 28 percent. | 3. | Higher in Mn content. Generally 30 - 32 percent Mn with pockets of high grade material |
4. | Consists of manganese sillicate and garnet with small band of steel gray and fine-grained material. | 4. | Consists of mostly pyrolusite psilomelane, braunite and jacobsite with small amounts of garnet and manganese sillicate. |
5. | The width and thickness of ore zone is generally smaller. | 5. | The width and thickness of ore zone is greater. |
6. | There are a few pockets of garnet-granulite, lithomarge, chert and limonite. | 6. | Intimately associated with Pockets and bands of lithomarge, chert and limonite. |
| 7. | Coarse quartzofeldspathic rock is invariably present at the foot-wall side and between the underlying rock and manganese ore. |