Criteria | Layer | Source | Scale | Type |
1 | Drainage Network | STRM 2008 (Figure 14, Figure 15) | Line | Pixel Resolution 30 m |
2 | Elevation/Topography | STRM 2008 (Figure 9) | Grid | Pixel Resolution 30 m |
3 | Slope | STRM 2008 (Figure 16) | Grid | Pixel Resolution 30 m |
4 | Buildings | Quikbird (2008) | Point | Pixel Resolution 60 cm |
5 | Roads | Quikbird (2008) | Line | Pixel Resolution 60 cm |
6 | Earthquakes | Data of the National Institute for Astronomical and Geophysical Studies (Helwan Observatory) (From 1900 to 2004) | Point | ------------- |
7 | Faults | The Egyptian Geological Survey map 2001 | Line | 1:250,000 |