


saturation level of the medium


natural growth rate of the small pelagic population

α 1

natural mortality rate of prey

k 1

rate of increase due to management of small pelagic resource

k 2

regression rate due to small pelagic management

k 3

regression rate of predator management

β 1

mortality rate of small pelagics caused by predators

β 2

mortality rate of small pelagics caused by overfishing

ξ 1

proportion of decrease in sea trips


growth rate of predators


intrinsic reproduction rate of the population

γ 1

mortality rate of fishing predators

γ 2

natural mortality rate of predators


rate of increase in predators due to the abundance of small pelagics

η 1

Increase in the number of fishermen at sea caused by abundant prey

η 2

rate of change in the number of fishermen at sea caused by predators

μ 1

Rate of change in fishing effort caused by regulation.

μ 2

Rate of decline in fisheries management effort.