| Transportation time of perishable shipment at route segment by mode (hours) |
| Handling time of perishable shipment to be transported at route segment by mode (hours) |
| Shelf life of a perishable product in shipment (hours) |
| Quantity of perishable products in shipment (products) |
| Quality of a perishable product in shipment at time 0 (%) |
| =1 if route segment belongs to route for transport of perishable shipment (= 0 otherwise) |
| =1 if route is available for transport of perishable shipment (= 0 otherwise) |
| =1 if mode is available at route segment for transport of perishable shipment ( = 0 otherwise) |
| Transportation time value for a perishable product in shipment at the beginning of linear segment (hours) |
| Transportation time value for a perishable product in shipment at the end of linear segment (hours) |
| Slope of linear segment for the decay function of a perishable product in shipment |
| Intercept of linear segment for the decay function of a perishable product in shipment |
| Large positive number |