Investigated parameters


Other setup conditions

1. Mass (g)

Different masses (1, 2, 3, 4) g

Volume (100 ml), time (5 hrs), rpm (700), size (710 - 1400) µm.

2. Size (µm)

Different sizes (µm)

Volume (100 ml), time (5 hrs), mass (1 g), rpm (700).

3. Time (hr)

Different time (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 18, 24) hrs.

Volume (100 ml), mass (1 g), rpm (700), size (710 - 1400 µm)

4. Speed of mixing (rpm)

Different rpm (300, 500, 900, 1100)

Volume (100 ml), mass (1 g), time (5 hrs), size (710 - 1400 µm)

5. pH test

pH of the water adjusted by HCl and NaOH solutions

Volume (100 ml), mass (1 g), rpm (700), time (5 hrs), size (710 - 1400 µm)

6. Effect of temperature on pH value

Temperature and pH

Volume (100 ml), mass (1 g), size (710 - 1400 µm), time (3 hrs), and rpm (700)