Voltammetric parameters | Unit | Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ |
Volume of diluted sample | mL | 1 |
Volume of ultra-pure water | mL | 10 |
Electrolytes | ||
KCl (1.5 mol∙L−1) and C2H3NaO2 (0.5 mol∙L−1) | mL | 2 |
Electrode of work | HMDE | |
Number of drops 4 | 4 | |
Number of additions 2 | 2 | |
Number of replications | 3 | |
Electrode of reference | Ag/AgCl (KCl 3 mol∙L−1) | |
Auxiliary electrode | Platinum | |
Speed of shaking | rpm | 2000 |
Purge time (ultra-pure N2) | s | 300 |
Additional purge time | s | 10 |
Deposition potential | V | 1.15 |
Deposition time | s | 90 |
Equilibrium time | s | 10 |
Pulse range | mV | 0.05 |
Initial potential | V | −1.15 |
Final potential | mV | 50 |
Tension degree | mV | 6 |
Time of tension degree | s | 0.1 |
Scanning rate | V/s | 0.06 |
Zn2+ | V | 0.98 |
Cd2+ | V | 0.61 |
Pb2+ | V | 0.38 |
Cu2+ | V | 0.16 |