Example 1

ST: In the present dynasty, beginning in 2195 (1644 A. D.), Confucianism has been in the period of renaissance. There were three great Confucians at the beginning of this dynasty… (Chen, 2005: p. 45)

Song’s translation: 本朝(即清朝——译者注)始于孔子降生后2195 年(公元1644年),儒家处于复兴时期,这一时期有三个伟大的儒者…… (Chen, 2009b: p. 26)

Example 2

ST: The foreign debt began in 2425A. K. (1874 A. D.), when a loan of £627,675, bearing 8 per cent interest, was contracted through the Hong-kong and Shanghai Bank. (Chen, 2005: p. 682)

Song’s translation: 政府举外债始于孔子降生后2425年(公元1874年), 那时通过香港上海银行(今“汇丰银行”——译者注)签订了一个利率为8%、额度为627,675英镑的贷款合同。 (Chen, 2009b: p. 380)