Example 1

ST: The equivalent of the English term “economics” in Chinese is “administering wealth.” Such a term explains itself, and calls for no definition. (Chen, 2005: p. 48)

Zhai’s Translation: 英语“economics”的汉语对应词是“理财” (administering wealth,本节作者论述将“economics”译为“理财”的理由,所以这里我们仍将之译为“理财”,而不是“经济”——译者注),其意不言自明,不需定义。 (Chen, 2009a: p. 31)

Example 2

ST: In the almshouse, food, clothes, and beds were all given; servants, cooks, and nurses were all supplied. (Chen, 2005: p. 598)

Zhai’s Translation: 在救济院(古代慈善机构有多种,名称繁多,这里仅以救济院代指——译者注),食物、衣服、床铺全都提供,还有仆役、厨师和护工。 (Chen, 2009a: p. 364)