Modalities | Number of Paramedical staff | Percentages |
| Already heard about pharmacovigilance |
Yes | 62 | 57.94% |
No | 45 | 42.06% |
Total | 107 | 100% |
| Source of information |
Initial formation | 43 | 40.18% |
Colleague | 11 | 10.28% |
Media | 4 | 3.73% |
Physician | 2 | 1.86% |
Book | 1 | 0.93% |
Training workshop | 1 | 0.93% |
No answers | 45 | 42.05% |
Total | 107 | 100% |
| Volume of hours to pharmacovigilance |
Enough | 6 | 5.60% |
Not enough | 101 | 94.3% |
Total | 107 | 100% |
| Existence of a pharmacovigilance unit at Cocody teaching hospital | |
Yes | 21 | 19.63% |
No | 86 | 80.37% |
Total | 107 | 100% |
| Importance of pharmacovigilance |
Not important | 4 | 3.73% |
Little important | 12 | 11.21% |
Important | 23 | 21.49% |
Very important | 52 | 48.59% |
No answers | 16 | 14.95% |
Total | 107 | 100% |
| Seniority in the profession |
0-5 years | 31 | 28.97% |
6-10 years | 23 | 21.49% |
11-15 years | 17 | 15.88% |
>15 years | 36 | 33.64% |
Total | 107 | 100% |